What is meta game: The Concept of Gaming Beyond the Game

Are you curious about the strategic decision-making that occurs outside of gameplay? Learn about the definition and importance of meta gaming, as well as meta game theory and examples of meta game mechanics. Explore strategies for mastering meta game and discover how it can impact competitive and online play.

In the world of gaming, there's a term that is often used to describe the strategic thinking and decision-making that goes beyond the actual gameplay itself. This term is called the meta game, and it's a crucial element of competitive gaming that separates the amateurs from the professionals.

What is meta game The Concept of Gaming Beyond the Game

What is Meta Game?

Meta game refers to the strategy, tactics, and decision-making that occur outside of the actual gameplay itself. It includes things like analyzing your opponent's strengths and weaknesses, adjusting your playstyle to counter their tactics, and making informed decisions based on the current state of the game.

One of the most common examples of meta game in gaming is in the world of trading card games, such as Magic: The Gathering or Hearthstone. In these games, players not only have to build a strong deck of cards but also have to anticipate the types of decks their opponents might play and adjust their strategy accordingly. This requires a deep understanding of the current meta game, which refers to the most popular and successful strategies being used by players at any given time.

But meta game isn't just limited to trading card games. It can be found in virtually any competitive game, including esports like League of Legends and Overwatch. In these games, players must not only master their chosen character's abilities but also learn how to work with their teammates and adjust their strategy to counter the opposing team's tactics.

Meta game is also important for game developers, as they must constantly monitor the meta game in their games and make balance changes to keep the game fair and enjoyable for all players. For example, if a certain character or strategy is dominating the meta game, the developer may release a patch that changes how that character works or adds new features that counter that strategy.

In conclusion, meta game is an essential concept in the world of gaming. It requires players to think strategically and make informed decisions based on the current state of the game. Whether you're a casual gamer or a professional esports player, understanding the meta game can help you improve your gameplay and increase your chances of success.

The cycle of a meta-game can be divided in four phases.

The meta game is an ever-evolving concept in gaming that refers to the strategies, tactics, and decision-making that occur beyond the actual gameplay itself. It is a cycle that can be divided into four distinct phases, each with its own characteristics and challenges.

Discovery Phase

The first phase of the meta game cycle is the discovery phase. This is when a new game or expansion is released, and players begin to experiment with different strategies and tactics to see what works best. During this phase, there is a lot of experimentation and creativity as players try to find the most optimal way to play the game.

Optimization Phase

The optimization phase is when players begin to refine their strategies and tactics based on what they learned during the discovery phase. This is when the most effective and efficient strategies start to emerge, and players begin to focus on perfecting them. This phase is often characterized by a lot of repetition and analysis as players try to optimize their gameplay as much as possible.

Stagnation Phase

The stagnation phase is when the meta game becomes static and predictable. The most effective strategies have been discovered and optimized, and there is little room for creativity or experimentation. This phase is often characterized by a lack of diversity in gameplay and a lot of frustration from players who feel like they are stuck in a rut.

Disruption Phase

The disruption phase is when something new and unexpected happens that disrupts the current meta game. This could be a new game mechanic, a new character, or a change in the game's balance. This phase is often characterized by a lot of excitement and chaos as players try to adapt to the new changes and discover new strategies and tactics.

In conclusion, the meta game cycle is a natural and ongoing process in gaming that is constantly evolving. By understanding the different phases of the cycle, players can better anticipate and adapt to changes in the game's meta game and increase their chances of success.

The cycle of a meta-game can be divided in four phases, "Phase 1: Experimentation, Phase 2: Stabilization, Phase 3: Meta Solved, Phase 4: The Shake Up".

While there is no one definitive way to categorize the phases of a meta-game cycle, another possible approach is to divide it into the following four phases:

Phase 1: Experimentation

During the experimentation phase, players are still figuring out the best strategies, tactics, and overall approach to the game. Players are trying new things and experimenting with different playstyles. This phase is marked by a high level of creativity, innovation, and unpredictability.

Phase 2: Stabilization

The stabilization phase is when players start to refine their strategies and tactics based on what they learned during the experimentation phase. The most effective and efficient strategies start to emerge, and players begin to focus on perfecting them. This phase is marked by a lot of repetition and analysis as players try to optimize their gameplay as much as possible.

Phase 3: Meta Solved

The meta solved phase is when the most optimal strategies have been discovered and refined to a high degree. The gameplay becomes predictable, and the dominant strategies are widely known and used. This phase is marked by a lack of diversity in gameplay, and players may become frustrated with the limited options available.

Phase 4: The Shake Up

The shake-up phase is when something unexpected happens that disrupts the current meta-game. This could be a new game mechanic, a new character or item, or a change in the game's balance. This phase is marked by a lot of excitement and chaos as players try to adapt to the new changes and discover new strategies and tactics. The shake-up can lead back to the experimentation phase, starting the cycle over again.

In conclusion, while the categorization of phases may vary, understanding the general pattern of a meta-game cycle is important for players who want to stay ahead of the game and succeed in a competitive gaming environment. By recognizing and adapting to the different phases, players can improve their chances of success and keep the gameplay fresh and exciting.

Exploring the Metagame and Hyper game: Understanding Adaptation in Gaming Environments, with Examples from Computer and Role-Playing Games - An Etymological Perspective.


The term "metagame" refers to the strategic decision-making that occurs outside of the actual gameplay itself, and refers to the strategies, tactics, and overall approach that players use to gain an advantage in a game. This can include understanding the game's mechanics and how they interact with one another, as well as anticipating opponents' moves and reactions.

Hyper Game:

A hyper game is a game that is played within another game. It is a complex and dynamic system of rules and interactions that exist alongside the primary game and can often be just as important as the main gameplay itself. Examples of hyper games include trading in-game items, managing a guild or clan, or participating in player-run events.


The term "metagame" comes from the Greek word "meta," meaning "beyond" or "transcending," and the English word "game." It was first used in the context of competitive games, such as chess and poker, where understanding the opponent's strategies and tendencies was crucial for success.

In games:

In gaming, metagaming refers to the strategies and tactics that are used to gain an advantage in a particular game or gaming environment. This can include analyzing game mechanics, understanding the current meta, and anticipating the actions of opponents.

Adaptation to a specific gaming environment:

Adapting to a specific gaming environment is crucial for success in gaming. This can involve understanding the mechanics of the game, as well as the strategies and tactics used by other players. By adapting to the specific environment, players can gain an advantage over their opponents and increase their chances of success.

Computer games:

Computer games often have highly developed metagames, as the online nature of these games means that players can share information and strategies with one another. Popular computer games with well-developed metagames include League of Legends, Dota 2, and World of Warcraft.

Role-playing games:

Role-playing games also have well-developed metagames, as players must often work together to complete quests and progress through the game. The strategies and tactics used in these games can include understanding the mechanics of the game, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of different characters and classes.


Examples of metagaming in various games include:

  • In chess, players may study their opponent's previous games to gain insight into their playing style and tendencies.
  • In poker, players may use knowledge of their opponents' tendencies to bluff or make strategic bets.
  • In League of Legends, players may analyze the current meta to determine the most effective strategies and champions.
  • In Dungeons and Dragons, players may optimize their characters and equipment to better suit their playstyle and the specific campaign they are playing.

Meta-game system:

A meta-game system is a game mechanic that exists outside of the primary gameplay and is used to influence or affect the overall game experience. Examples of meta-game systems include skill trees, crafting systems, and loot drops.

Meta-gaming in role-playing:

In role-playing games, meta-gaming refers to using knowledge or information that is outside of the game world to influence gameplay. This can include using out-of-character information to make in-character decisions, or using knowledge gained from previous playthroughs to influence current gameplay.

Meta-game theory:

Meta-game theory is a branch of game theory that focuses on the strategic decision-making that occurs outside of the primary gameplay. It examines how players make decisions based on their knowledge of the game's mechanics, as well as their understanding of the strategies and tactics used by other players.

Meta-game in VR:

In virtual reality games, meta-gaming can refer to using knowledge gained from real-world experiences or other games to influence gameplay. For example, a player who is skilled in a particular genre of game may be able to use that knowledge to excel in a VR game that shares similar mechanics or gameplay elements.

Meta-game design:

Meta-game design involves creating game mechanics and systems that exist outside of the primary gameplay but are used to enhance the overall game experience. This can include things like progression systems, achievement systems, and social features that allow players to interact with one another outside of the game world.

Meta-loop game design:

Meta-loop game design refers to the process of creating a game that is designed to encourage players to engage in meta-game activities. This can include things like creating incentives for players to participate in social features, or designing progression systems that encourage players to engage in repeat playthroughs of the game.

In conclusion, meta-gaming and meta-game systems are important aspects of game design and theory, as they allow players to engage in strategic decision-making that goes beyond the primary gameplay. By understanding and utilizing these elements, game designers and players can create and experience more complex and engaging gaming experiences.

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